Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the U.S. It beams a highly concentrated light into hair follicles, pigments in the follicles absorbs the light. That destroys the hair. Laser Hair Removal is a safe, effective solution to everyday shaving, waxing, bleaching and plucking. FDA-cleared, clinically proven treatments for dramatic results. Get started today and you can start for as low as $65 per treatment

Why Laser Hair Removal?

Unwelcome hair growth can be embarrassing for everyone. And although there are plenty of
laser hair removal options, they aren't always worth it. Shaving and depilatory creams might be a quick fix, but they only get rid of the hair at the surface—not to mention the risk of nicks and adverse skin reactions. Waxing and plucking may deliver longer-lasting results, but treatments are painful and time-consuming. Where does that leave you? MINTbody Med Spa & Wellness utilizes the latest Lasers/IPL technology from Venus Versa to safely and comfortably remove unwanted hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other areas.